Thursday, March 3, 2011

The longest year of my life Weight 299

I would like to take this oppertunity to welcome me back to blogging... I has been the Longest year of my life. I struggled with my addiction so much this year. With the illness and the death of my Father. May I just say that cancer is the most disgusting, hateful, and horrible disease I have ever witnessed. After our loss I decided to, like I have so many times before, medicate my self with food and almost ballooned up to my origional weight of 363. well for once in my life I stopped myself dead in my tracks and choose to take the road less traveled. and here I am. I broke the 3 hundeys, never to return. I have lost a total of 28 lbs in 4 weeks. now that I am on the right track I will be posting on a daily basis... we at least I will try. LETS do this

BTW I am fitting back into my purple scrubs, So long big green ones!

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